The Law Offices of Andrew S. Guisbond is a boutique firm in a big city, providing clarity and creative solutions to Massachusetts clients who face divorce and the legal issues that accompany it.


The Law Offices of Andrew S. Guisbond is a boutique firm in a big city, providing clarity and creative solutions to Massachusetts clients who face divorce and the legal issues that accompany it.

We Help Military Families Navigate The Complexities Of Divorce


If you or your spouse is or has been a member of the military, there are additional factors that must be taken into account when dividing your assets. If you are looking for a military divorce lawyer, a civilian divorce attorney may be your best choice.

At the Law Offices of Andrew S. Guisbond, we help members of the military or military spouses navigate the complexities involved in military divorce. We communicate with the military benefits division and the pension division, as well as assessing the amounts to which you or your spouse may be entitled.

Call our Boston offices at 800-441-7573 to learn more about your rights and entitlements.

Understanding Military Benefits

Our attorneys will discuss which military benefits may be involved as you and your spouse work to part ways and help maneuver through any procedural or technical problems that you may encounter. One common aspect involved in military divorce is status of duty. If you or your spouse is currently on active duty or has obtained an order for a stay and therefore may be subject to a technical procedural issue, negotiating your military divorce may have additional considerations that a civilian divorce would not have.

Our Boston law firm knows how to manage the specific paperwork and negotiations involved in a military divorce. You can be confident that our attorneys will be able to handle your case and that we are committed to efficient and economical representation.

Accurate Assessments

It is important that you work with an attorney who has handled military divorce cases previously in order to avoid errors and protect your interests properly. Working with an inexperienced lawyer could mean that your military assets are overvalued or undervalued, which could be detrimental to your case.

Nonmonetary benefits are notoriously difficult to assess, and therefore an experienced attorney will be able to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. The core goals of our firm are to provide you with exceptional legal counsel at a competitive rate. We have been able to achieve these results through our small firm model, which allows us to cut out the expensive overheads facing larger practices while providing direct legal counsel to our clients. Find out how we can help by arranging a consultation at our Boston, Massachusetts, office today. We also travel to meet clients near their homes or workplaces in Cambridge and other parts of Middlesex County.